If Children Become Disobedient: If the children become disobedient then imagine the child and recite Ya-Shaheedo یا شھید plenty of times. Allah Almighty shall bring the child to the right path.
Abdul Hameed bin Mahmood Maghooli (رحمتہ اللہ علیہ ) says that one I was present in the gathering of Hazrat Abdullah bin Abbas (رضی اللہ عنہ). A few people came and said that we are traveling with the intention of performing pilgrimage. When we reached Zaat As-Safaah (name of a place), a companion of ours passed away. So we buried him. Then we thought about digging a grave. When we finished digging the grave, we saw that a huge black python had surrounded the grave. After that we dug the grave at another place, and even there there was a similar snake. Now we left the dead body as such and we have come to you to know as to what should we do now? Hazrat Abdullah bin Abbas (رضی اللہ عنہ) said: This snake is that bad deed of his, of which he was habitual. Go and bury him in that grave. By God! Even if you dig the whole earth for him, even then you will find the same snake in that grave. Nonetheless, he was buried just like that. Upon return from the journey, people asked his wife about his deed and she said that it was his routine that he used to sell grains and everyday from the sack he would take out the ration for his house and mix as much straw in it. So he would deceptively sell straw for the price of grain. (Be-Haqqi, Shaib ul Eimaan, bahawaala-e-Sharah As-sudoor: P. 239)